Can Carpenter Ants Chew Through Concrete?

Can Carpenter Ants Chew Through Concrete?

Carpenter ants are showing the real capability and diversity of the ant world. You may have heard or seen that carpenter ants chew through concrete. Actually, can carpenter ants chew through concrete, or is it a myth? Strong mandibles and legs have given carpenter ants the ability to chew through concrete. Carpenter ants do not … Read more

What Do Camponotus Ants Eat? [Complete Guide]

What Do Camponotus Ants Eat?

If you taking care of Camponotus ants aka Carpenter ants, you may consider what do Camponotus ants eat. Knowing exactly what and when to feed them will give you the best chance of expanding a healthy colony of Camponotus ants. What do Camponotus ants eat?Camponotus ants eat high protein sources like mealworms, super worms, crickets, … Read more