What Do Black Ants Eat? [A Comprehensive Answer!]

What Do Black Ants Eat?

Seems like you are curious about what do black ants eat because you are an ant keeper or just being conscious about the diet of these common black ants. Anyway, it’s quite interesting to talk about. Black ants usually eat sugar, honey, fruits, and sweet substances to obtain carbohydrates, meat, worms, dead insects, and bugs … Read more

Can Carpenter Ants Chew Through Concrete?

Can Carpenter Ants Chew Through Concrete?

Carpenter ants are showing the real capability and diversity of the ant world. You may have heard or seen that carpenter ants chew through concrete. Actually, can carpenter ants chew through concrete, or is it a myth? Strong mandibles and legs have given carpenter ants the ability to chew through concrete. Carpenter ants do not … Read more

Do Ants Eat Cockroaches?

Do Ants Eat Cockroaches?

It’s a pretty fair thing to consider whether ants eat cockroaches or not because ants are known to be omnivores and capable of eating anything. If ants can eat cockroaches you can do both feeding your ant colony and getting rid of cockroaches at the same time.  Do ants eat cockroaches?Ants do eat cockroaches when … Read more

Can Ants Chew Through Cardboard?

Can Ants Chew Through Cardboard?

Even though ants seem to be tiny insects, they can rip through hard things in general. So, can ants actually chew through cardboard? It is a vital question to be answered.  Ants can chew through cardboard using their jaws and mandibles to build their nest inside. Nevertheless, ants do not eat cardboard. Well, why do … Read more