Do Ants Like Vanilla?

You might be wondering is the vanilla-scented candle or the vanilla extract you are using might be the case for attracting ants into your house, and you want to know do ants like vanilla. 

Ants do not show any significant attraction or repel for vanilla extract. In fact, ants don’t like to eat them even if they smell sweet.

Even though the facts look clear about vanilla and ants, there are some exciting things you need to hear. Keep reading!

Do ants like vanilla pods?

Do ants like vanilla pods?

I have gone through some research papers in order to find this. Ants are attracted to vanilla pods even on the trees.

One of the main pest attacks that vanilla growers have is black ants. According to this research, vanilla farmers keep making solutions to get rid of the ants that thread the yield and lower the quality.

The reason why black ants like to stay in vanilla pods and trees is the temperature and the smell.  

Do ants attract to vanilla-scented candles and products?

I saw that many people are frustrated about they are attracting ants because of the smell of vanilla-scented candles. So they tend to remove those candles from the house. 

Ants can be attracted by vanilla-scented candles to some extent, but it can not be considered a major cause of a bad ant problem in your house. 

There can be little attraction towards the sweet smell, but ants are not likely to be attracted to the vanilla candle because they do not prefer the heat. 

Sometimes ants can also be attracted to beauty products that smell vanilla. If you experiencing this kind of a situation try to store them in a freezer.

Can vanilla extract repel the ants?

Can vanilla extract repel ants?

There are various vanilla extract brands in the shop that are promising to repel bugs. Can they actually repel the ants?

Vanilla extract does not have a significant effect on repelling the ants. But it can be used to repel other harmful bugs like mosquitos. 

It is quite weird that vanilla extract works really well on repelling mosquitos when you use them on your body, at the same time it doesn’t work well enough for ants.


What are the methods you can use to repel ants?

Here are some recognized natural remedies to repel ants from your house instead of trying to look do ants like vanilla 🙂 

1. Vinegar 

Use vinegar to repel ants that attracted by vanilla

Ants really hate the smell of this vinegar. In fact, it cleans the smell trails of the ants which are followed by other ants. 

All you have to do is mix some vinegar with water and sprinkle it all around the corners of your house where ants take control. You will see the results shortly.

2. Coffee grounds

Don’t worry if vanilla can’t remove ants from your house. Coffee will do it for you!

Coffee grounds are really beneficial for outdoors and gardening. So why not on indoors?

Take some coffee grounds, and sprinkle them around the high ant traffic areas. 

I just don’t know the reason why ants don’t like such nutritious powder with high Nitrogen and phosphorus

3. Cucumber 

Cucumber is an easy-to-find option to get rid of ants in your house. 

But it works kindly differently than other methods. 

Ants eat fungi frequently. Cucumbers are toxic to that fungus. Hence, cucumber leads ants into trouble.

But there is a drawback. Roaches and rodents can be attracted to cucumber peels. =(

Here is a list of natural remedies to get rid of ants in your house.

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